Texas Pasture-Raised Eggs (1 Dozen)


1 dozen texas pasture-raised eggs

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Experience the Difference with Rook Pastures’ Texas Pasture-Raised Eggs:

At Rook Pastures, we raise happy, healthy hens on lush Texas pastures, ensuring the freshest, most delicious eggs you can find. Our diverse flock, featuring heat-tolerant Black Australorps and prolific Red Sex Links, enjoys unparalleled freedom to roam and forage from our mobile coop. Constant access to fresh greens, insects, sunshine, and supplemented with a non-GMO and soy free feed results in eggs with richer yolks, deeper flavor, and a higher nutritional profile.

But our commitment goes beyond taste. We prioritize the well-being of our hens and the environment. Our mobile coop, equipped with roll-away nest boxes, guarantees exceptionally clean eggs. We hand-collect and wash them daily, ensuring the utmost care and quality. Additionally, our commitment to sustainability shines through in our eco-friendly egg cartons made from recycled newspaper and reclaimed fibers.

What sets us apart?

  • True Pasture-Raised: Our hens spend their entire lives outdoors, meeting the strictest American Pastured Poultry Producers Association (APPPA) standards for pasture-raised eggs.
  • Diverse Flock: We carefully select breeds known for their resilience, exceptional laying, and delicious eggs.
  • Exceptional Care: We prioritize the well-being of our hens with daily hand-collection, washing, and constant access to fresh pasture.
  • Sustainable Practices: We minimize our environmental impact by using mobile coops and eco-friendly packaging.

Want to learn more about the benefits of pasture-raised eggs? Watch this informative video by the APPPA: APPPA Real Eggs

Ready to taste the difference? Order your dozen today and experience the Rook Pastures difference!

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